Friday 18 January 2008

More new books

Koehn, Nancy F (Nancy Fowler), 1959- . - Brand new : how entrepreneurs earned consumers' trust from Wedgwood to Dell . - Boston : Harvard Business School Press, 2001 . - 1578512212

Industrial design techniques and materials / Raymond Guidot ... et al. . - Paris : Flammarion, 2006 . - 2080305190

Norman, Donald A. (Donald Arthur) . - The invisible computer : why good products can fail, the personal computer i . - Cambridge, Mass.; London : MIT, 1999 . - 0262640414

Jones, Keith J. (Keith John) . - Real digital forensics : computer security and incident response / Keith J. . - Boston, Mass.; London : Addison-Wesley, 2005 . - 0321240693

Bainbridge, David I. . - Introduction to information technology law / David Bainbridge . - 6th ed. . - Harlow : Pearson Longman, 2008 . - 1405846666

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