Thursday 8 May 2008

Library Research Support Day - Tuesday 3rd June 2008

I’d like to invite you to a Library Research Support day on Tuesday 3rd June. The day is aimed at postgraduate research students and members of academic staff and it’s an opportunity for us to showcase some of the services we provide to support our research community at UEL.
We will be running a series of short workshops throughout the day, covering a range of topics including e-books, e-journals, literature searching and alerting services through online databases, Boolean search techniques and Endnote.
The Subject Librarians will be offering sessions on databases specific to their assigned Schools and there will also be an opportunity to learn more about UEL’s institutional repository for research, ROAR.
The day’s events will take place in the Business School, in the main lecture theatre and in the Library’s Information Skills and ECDL training rooms.
I’d be very grateful if you could circulate this information to your postgraduate research students. I hope they will feel free to pop in for any or all of the sessions that appeal to them. I have emaile a flyer to all lecturers with more information.
It would be helpful if you could book in advance so that we can keep track of numbers. Please feel free to contact me for more details.

Friday 2 May 2008

Freedom of Information website

A new website 'What Do They Know?' helps people put together Freedom of Information (Fol) requests to public bodies and publishes the responses in a searchable archive.

The site isn't quite ready yet but sounds like an interesting resource.

New OS Access

The digital archive of Ordnance Survey (OS) maps - back to 1998 - can now be viewed in the UK's six deposit libraries - the British Library is closest to us - using new web-based software developed by Dotted Eyes.

The OSMasterMap allows precise recording of landscape changes over time. A limited number of customised A4 colour print-outs can be made for private use.