Monday 17 May 2010


Hi all,
"UEL joins the Eduroam Community
IT Services is happy to announce a new service for all UEL network users. “eduroam” is a new global initiative to help members of the academic community stay connected while visiting other academic institutions.

Currently available in over 80 universities in the UK and over 1000 globally, the service allows users to connect to other universities wireless networks using their home institution credentials. This takes the mantra of 'single sign-on' to whole new levels and heralds a new dawn for inter-university collaboration.

Users with wireless devices should be able to connect to the ‘eduroam’ network , anywhere in the world. When prompted for credentials, your username should be in the format . Once your username and password are validated, you are online and can browse the web.

We recommend, where possible, that you connect to the eduroam network at UEL before trying elsewhere. Once you get a profile setup on your wireless device which works on a UEL campus that same profile should work at any participating organisation.

The service went live last week and and has already been used by visitors to UEL from Oxford, Kent, Portsmouth, Queen Mary, Goldsmiths, Essex and SOAS universities.

For more info, please see:"

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